

digital economy, post-1995 generation, work motivation, medium and small-sized enterprises


Under the background of the digital economy,the post-1995 generation has become a new generation of employees.Due to the great changes of their living environment and internal values,how to manage this generation better has become an urgent problem for managers.Based on the research object of the post-1995 new generation employees in Zhejiang province,this paper explores and empirically analyzes the influencing factors of post-1995 new generation employees' work motivation under the background of digital economy by means of correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.The research indicates that the work motivation of the post-1995 generation has been influenced by many factors.The internal factor is greater than the external factor and the motivation has nothing to do with the "working environment"factor.On the basis of this,the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the application of digitization in office and pay attention to non-material incentive,and puts forward the theory and basis for enterprises to stimulate and cultivate the working motivation of new generation employees.


