

science and technology innovation think tank, influencing factor, information ecology, Grey-DEMATEL


Science and technology innovation think tank is of great significance for making government decisionmaking more scientific and more democratic and accelerating the construction of a technological powerhouse.Based on information ecology theory,the major factors impacting science and technology innovation think tank are identified through the literature review and field research,and the Grey-DEMATEL method is applied to analyze the cause-effect relationships among these factors.On this basis,this paper further analyzes the internal mechanism of building science and technology innovation think tank.The study show that the cultural level and innovative consciousness of top managers is the most fundamental factors to influence the construction of science and technology innovation think tank,and the output of think tank product is the most important effect factor influencing science and technology innovation think tank.Additionally,funding support and practical conversion rate of think tank products are the key factors which have the most significant effect on science and technology innovation think tanks. So,the overall construction level of science and technology innovation think tanks has been upgraded from the aspects of top management education,publicity and promotion of think tank,broadening of capital channels,encouragement and training of expert team.


