

high-tech enterprises, innovation performance, R&D, technology renovation


At present, China's high-tech industry is faced with the plight of low overall competitiveness and lack of key technologies. Continuing to expand technology investment and improving innovation performance are the necessary ways to realize the innovation-driven development of high-tech enterprises. Based on the data of 17 high-tech industry segments from 1995 to 2016, this paper examines the impact of independent R&D and technological trans- formation on innovation performance under two different technology investment modes.The results show that: the in- vestment scale of independent research and development increases rapidly, which has a significant promoting effect on innovation performance; The growth of technological transformation is relatively slow, and the improvement effect on innovation performance is not significant. The effect of both independent R&D and technological transformation on the improvement of enterprise innovation performance is significantly greater than that of independent R&D in- vestment alone. Among all industries, independent research and development has the largest effect on improving innovation performance of aerospace,spacecraft and equipment manufacturing industry;It has the least effect on the manufacturing of electronic and communication equipment. In addition, the electronic and communication equipment manufacturing industry technical transformation input effect is significant, other industries technical transformation input effect is not significant.


