

webrooming, dual-channel competition, Stackelberg game, pricing decision


Considering the dual-channel pricing decision and service effort problem of webrooming phenomenon in the household industry,we analyze the influence of the webrooming effect and market share on manufacturers and retailers respectively under centralized and decentralized decision game models.The research shows that when the webrooming effect is strong or weak,it is beneficial to the total profit of the supply chain under the centralized decision model.The webrooming effect intensifies the price competition between the two parties under the decentralized decision model.When there is a big gap between the market share of the manufacturer and the retailer,the profit of the supply chain under the centralized decision model is larger.Under the decentralized decision model,the manufacturers and retailers gain more profits when their market shares are at a lower level.The profit under the centralized decision model is greater than the sum of the two parties'profits under the decentralized decision model.


