

industrial cluster, collaborative innovation, evolution course, development prospects


This paper takes the papers on collaborative innovation of industrial clusters published in CSSCI journals in CNKI database from 2002 to 2020 as samples,and explores the research hotspots,evolution and future research directions in the field of collaborative innovation of industrial clusters in China with the help of bibliometrics.The results show that the research hotspots in the field of industrial cluster collaborative innovation mainly include "industrial cluster,collaborative innovation,innovation network,technological innovation,innovation performance, transformation and upgrading"and so on.The evolution process of collaborative innovation research in industrial clusters is discussed by using the key words time zone evolution map.Finally,combined with the era background, this paper argues that industrial clusters collaborative innovation evaluation index system of building high quality is the main direction of future research;modern information technology innovation platform construction is one of the important areas for future research;a cluster of collaborative innovation performance and the network power ascension is an important part of the future study,collaborative efficiency between cluster development is the new trend of future research.


