

patent navigation policy, topic evolution, development trend, patent operation


The implementation of the patent navigation pilot project in 2013 marked the formal establishment of China's patent navigation policy system.Understanding the evolution characteristics and development trend of the patent navigation policy is of great significance for further improving the patent navigation policy system and promoting the high-quality patent development in China in the new era.Based on 134 policy texts related to patent navigation at the central-level from 2013 to 2020,this paper divides the policy evolution stages,analyzes high-frequency keywords,timeline map and emergent words,and explores the evolution characteristics and future development trend of China's patent navigation policy.The evolution of patent navigation policy can be divided into three stages of start up,diffusion exploration and smooth promotion.The policy topic has experienced an evolution process from pilot exploration to the construction of working mechanism and patent operation service system.In the future,patent navigation policy will pay more attention to patent creation and application oriented by patent quality,patent operation service system with public service platform as the core,patent information analysis and talent team construction,and improvement of working mechanism.


