

advanced manufacturing industry, catch-up situation, speed characteristics, evaluation system


Grasping the catch-up situation of advanced manufacturing industry plays an important role in realizing the catch-up and sustainable development of the industry. Based on the ecological situation theory, this paper analyzes the advanced manufacturing industry catch-up “state” and “potential”, builds the evaluation index system of advanced manufacturing industry catch-up state value, evaluates the static state value of industry catch-up using entropy method, and then introduces physics thinking to dynamic evaluate advanced manufacturing industry catch-up potential value using speed characteristics evaluation method. Taking five advanced manufacturing industries in China from 2011 to 2020 as an empirical study, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the industry catch-up situation from vertical industry dimension and horizontal time dimension, and draws the following conclusions: Under industrial dimension, the catch-up situation of each industry presents obvious differences, and some industries show aggregation; Under time dimension, the variation range and trend of catch-up situation of most industries are different, but a few industries have the same regularity. Based on the above research conclusions, relevant counter measures and suggestions are put forward to realize China's advanced manufacturing industry catch-up.


