

industry-university-research, coupling coordination, projection pursuit, spatiotemporal evolution, convergence analysis


Improving the level of coupling coordination development of industry-university-research is of great significance for promoting China to become a world power in science and technology. Using the panel data of 31 provinces (cities, districts) in China, based on the projection pursuit model and the coupling coordination degree model, the industry-university-research coupling coordination degree from 2009 to 2019 was calculated, and the spatiotemporal evolution law and development trend were analyzed, the key factors affecting the coordinated development of industry-university-research coupling are analyzed by using the Tobit model. The results show that the coupling coordination degree of China's industry-university-research has increased, most regions develop low-coupling and medium-coupling coordination, the overall coupling coordination degree is not high. The coupling coordination degree of industry-university-research in various regions shows a significant positive spatial correlation, but it is mainly a low-level homogeneity agglomeration, and there is long-term regional heterogeneity. In terms of influencing factors, the degree of industry-university-research collaboration, the degree of economic development, enterprise R&D investment, and government support have a significant positive impact on the coupling coordination degree of China's industry-university-research, while the degree of opening to the outside world and the size of the enterprise have a negative impact. In this regard, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the coupling coordination development of China's domestic academic research in the three aspects of increasing investment, government supervision and regulation, and strengthening external cooperation.


