

technology-market search ambidexterity, breadth search, depth search, strategic flexibility, service innovation


Manufacturing firms face an important dilemma in service innovation: the resources accumulated by longterm product innovation activities can not satisfy the needs of performing service innovation,and even forms capability rigidity to impede service innovation. By integrating service innovation, external knowledge search and organizational ambidexterity theory, this paper argues that the technology-market search ambidexterity provides a key to this dilemma, and then empirically tests its impact on service innovation as well as the moderate effects of strategic flexibility. The empirical research based on a sample of 195 manufacturing firms in Chongqing shows that technology search ambidexterity has a positive impact on service innovation while market search ambidexterity has no positive impact, and both technology breadth-market depth search ambidexterity and technology depth-market breadth search ambidexterity have a positive impact on service innovation. Beside, strategic flexibility positively moderates the relationship between technology-market search ambidexterity and service innovation.


