

quality of imported intermediate goods, global value chain, division of labor status, enterprise innovation, foreign direct investment


With the increasingly severe and complex international situation, the foreign blockade on China's import of high-tech products has intensified, and Chinese enterprises have been locked at the low end of the global value chain. The import of high-quality intermediate products has become a breakthrough for Chinese enterprises. Based on the highly detailed and consolidated data of customs import and export trade database and China industrial enterprise database from 2000 to 2013, the impact of the quality of imported intermediate products of Chinese enterprises on the division of labor status of enterprises in the global value chain is investigated and its mechanism is discussed in this paper. The results show that: the quality of imported intermediate products has a significant inhibitory effect on the division of labor in the global value chain; Enterprise innovation and foreign direct investment positively regulate the relationship between the quality of imported intermediate goods and the division of labor status of enterprises in the global value chain; Further research on the heterogeneity of enterprises and products shows that trade type, tariff level of imported products, type of import source country and enterprise financing constraint level will also affect the role of imported intermediate quality on the division of labor position of enterprises in the global value chain.


