

disruptive innovation, environmental scanning, life cycle, innovative decision, dynamic coupling


Disruptive innovation provides an important window of opportunity for latecomers to catch up and surpass. Environmental scanning is an important driving factor for implementing disruptive innovation. The key is to achieve the matching and two-way dynamic coupling between environmental scanning and different stages of the life cycle of disruptive innovation. The predicament of latecomers in implementing disruptive innovation is analyzed, the research framework of environmental scanning based on disruptive innovation is constructed. The life cycle of disruptive innovation is divided into four stages: initial stage, entry stage, growth stage, and maturity stage. By combining the technology market factor with the stage characteristics of disruptive innovation, the two-way dynamic evolution of technology and market environment scanning of latecomers in different stages of disruptive innovation is analyzed. The gap in the existing research on the framework for exploring the late emerging enterprise environment in different stages of disruptive innovation has been filled. The dynamic optimization process of the technology and market environment scanning of latecomers for disruptive innovation decisions is revealed. The dynamic environment scanning framework of latecomers based on disruptive innovation has been improved, providing reference for identifying disruptive innovation opportunities.


