

ethics of science and technology, policy evolution, policy tools, social network analysis


With the rapid development of science and technology in China, the issue of science and technology ethics policy is increasingly affecting the national interests, national security and the sustainable development of economy and society,so it is of great significance to study the evolution of science and technology ethics policy in China. By using policy tools and social network analysis, this paper makes a quantitative research on 71 policies of ethics in science and technology of the central government since the reform and opening up. It can be concluded that the evolution of ethics in science and technology in China can be divided into three periods:“germination, exploration and deepening". The structure of our science and technology ethics policy tools tends to be optimized, with authority tool as compulsory guarantee, system reform tool as a stimulus, and capacity building tool as a long-term construction;The system of science and technology ethical governance has become systematized,with diversified policy themes,diversified policy subjects and extensive policy distribution, which reflects the depth and breadth of governance. Under the leadership of the Party, it is the only way to explore the socialist system of science and technology ethics with Chinese characteristics, concentrate on optimizing the governance structure and system, and “jogging in small steps” will be the new normal.


