

digital finance, manufacturing enterprises, export product quality


The quality of export products is not only an important engine for the high-quality development of China’s economy, but also the external embodiment of the core competitiveness of China's economy, and the key to resist external competition and realize the upgrade of the value chain. Based on industrial database from 2011 to 2015, the customs database, and Peking University pratt &whitney financial index data, the empirical test digital financial (and its three dimensions) on the quality of the manufacturing enterprises to export products, the results show that the digital financial significantly improving the quality of manufacturing enterprises to export products, including digital financial coverage of the most significant promoting effect; Heterogeneity analysis shows that digital finance has a stronger promoting effect on enterprises and private enterprises in eastern China. The mechanism analysis shows that digital finance can have a positive impact on the improvement of the quality of manufacturing enterprises' export products by easing the financing constraints of enterprises and enhancing the technological innovation ability.


