

incubator knowledge service ability, competitive advantage for new venture, entrepreneurial vigilance


In the era of knowledge economy, the service transformation of science and technology business incubator is imperative. Based on the resource-based theory and the questionnaire data of 248 incubators from 3 national incubators, this paper uses regression analysis method to study the influence of different knowledge service capabilities such as knowledge-based service capabilities, knowledge sharing service capabilities and knowledge integration service capabilities on the competitive advantages of new ventures and the regulatory role of entrepreneurial vigilance in this process. The results showed that the knowledge base service ability, knowledge sharing service ability and knowledge integration service ability of incubators had significant positive effects on the viability, flexibility and innovation of new ventures. Opportunity alertness positively moderates the influence of incubator knowledge service ability on the competitive advantage of new ventures, and resource alertness positively moderates the influence of incubator knowledge service ability on the competitive advantage of new ventures. The conclusion of this study is helpful to guide the direction of incubator transformation, help new ventures to improve their own competitive advantages by virtue of the knowledge service ability of incubators, and has certain theoretical and practical significance for the transformation of incubators and improvement of the competitive advantages of new ventures.


