

industrial intelligence, quality of innovation, regional heterogeneity, threshold effect


Based on the objective trend of the intelligent industry transformation and innovation, the urgent request of quality development considering regional heterogeneity, intelligent building industry from the perspective of government support for innovation quality panel threshold model, the paper researches on the influence mechanism of the industry intelligent nonlinear influence on the quality of innovation under the government support in different parts. The results show that the impact of industrial intelligence on regional innovation quality is affected by the heterogeneous threshold effect of government support level. At a low level of government support, industrial intelligence inhibits the improvement of enterprise innovation quality to a certain extent. As the level of government support increases and breaks through the “critical value”, industrial intelligence begins to significantly promote the improvement of innovation quality, that is, there is a U-shaped relationship between industrial intelligence and innovation quality. In addition, government support is at a high level in most regions of China, and industrial intelligence is a significant driving force for improving innovation quality. However, it is necessary to be alert to the negative effect of uneven distribution of government resources on insufficient investment in innovation, so as to ensure innovation quality.


