

double first-class universities, the intensity of industry-university-research cooperation, internal driving forces, external driving forces, internal scientific innovation system environment


Based on the heterogeneous effect of internal driving forces, external driving forces and internal institutional environment of scientific and technological innovation in double first-class universities, this paper explores the influence path and effect of the intensity of industry-university-research science and technology innovation cooperation. The empirical analysis results of 59 double-first-class universities from 2009 to 2020 show that: the intensity of technology innovation cooperation of double first-class universities can improve innovation performance significantly, which is mainly realized through the intermediary path of internal driving force; Among the internal driving forces, full-time teachers’ efforts input, science and technology innovation funds and equipment support level have a positive effect; but the influence of graduate students’ efforts input path is not significant; The internal institutional environment of science and technology innovation positively moderates only on the two paths of effort input of science and technology innovator, and failed to enhance the positive impact of science and innovation funding and equipment support effectively; Among the external driving forces, government innovation support and enterprise innovation cooperation have a direct positive impact on the innovation performance and the role of intermediary path,but the impact of research institutions’ innovation cooperation is negative.


