

digital economy, upgrading of industrial structure, spatial spillover effect


In the period of the 14th Five-Year Plan, China has entered a new stage of development, and its economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development. The economy is in a critical period of transforming the development mode, optimizing the economic structure and transforming the growth drivers. The upgrading of industrial structure is the foothold and strength point of the evolution of high-quality economic development. The government Work Report of The State Council in 2021 listed “accelerating the pace of industrial upgrading” as one of the main achievements of the 13th Five-Year Plan period. On February 3, 2021, the executive meeting of The State Council proposed “promoting industrial upgrading by deepening reform and opening up”. However, the current international political and economic pattern is undergoing profound adjustment, global economic and social development is facing multiple uncertainties, the international division of labor of industries is facing profound adjustment and will lead to increasingly fierce international competition, and the industrial upgrading and economic transformation of catch-up developing countries are facing severe challenges. Therefore, adapting to new economic growth points in the new era and constantly exploring and exploring new strategic opportunities are the key issues that need to be solved to promote the upgrading of our industrial structure. Digital economy as a new economic form, digital technology to drive the digital revolution and industrial transformation, will bring great changes in economic and social development. “ The digital economy is highly innovative, highly permeable and widely covered. It is not only a new economic growth point, but also a fulcrum for transforming and upgrading traditional industries. It can become an important engine for building a modern economic system. ” In 2020, the scale of digital economy has reached 39. 2 trillion yuan, accounting for 38. 6% of GDP. Among them, the scale of digital industrialization reached 7. 5 trillion yuan, and the process of industrial digitalization continued to accelerate, reaching 31. 7 trillion yuan. Digital economy has brought the innovation of production factors, replacing traditional production factors with digital information and knowledge innovation, enabling the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries through digital technology, promoting the improvement of production efficiency of traditional enterprises, and promoting the optimization and upgrading of industrial and economic structure. In view of this, this paper measures the development of digital economy from the three core dimensions of “digital infrastructure, digital industrialization and industrial digitalization”, analyzes the impact of digital economy on the upgrading of industrial structure and its spatial effect, with a view to break through the shackles of digital technology, leading the upgrading of industrial structure, reshaping the innovation map and economic structure. It provides theoretical basis and reference for the realization of our economic quality reform. The digital economy has become a new engine to improve quality and efficiency, transformation and upgrading. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces(districts, cities) from 2013 to 2020, this paper constructs an indicator system of digital economy development from “digital infrastructure, digital industrialization and industrial digitalization”, establishes a spatial lag model, and empirically analyzes the impact of digital economy on industrial structure upgrading and its regional differences. The results show that digital economy plays a positive role in promoting the whole digital technology, and can effectively promote the rationalization and upgrading of industrial structure through technological innovation. It can only promote the rationalization of industrial structure through the allocation efficiency of financial resources. The impact of digital economy on the upgrading of industrial structure is heterogeneous. In terms of the spatial spillover benefit of industrial upgrading, the eastern region is larger than the central and western region, and the spillover effect of rationalized space in eastern and central regions is stronger.


