

Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, public data, sharing and opening policy


In the era of big data, data has become a strategic key factor of production to promote economic development, and governments also regard the sharing and opening of public data as one of the important tasks to enhance the ability of government governance. Based on the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, taking the policy texts related to public data sharing and opening as the analysis object, this paper makes a text analysis of the existing policies from three dimensions of policy tools, policy content and policy objectives, from which the types of existing policy tools, the focus of policy content and the orientation of policy objectives are excavated. Firstly, through the government website, Baidu search engine and Peking Law APP, the policy texts of 27 cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration are collected and carefully read, and then the three-dimensional research framework is determined and coded, according to the results of coding analysis, the problems are analyzed. It is found that the current policy tools issued by the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration are mainly command-oriented, the content of policy texts mainly focuses on the management norms and responsibilities of each stage of the data life cycle, and the policy objectives focus on the short-term objectives of data sharing in government departments. Based on these findings, corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are formulated from three dimensions of policy tools, policy content and policy objectives. Among them, in terms of policy tools, it is suggested to change passivity into initiative, to build internal driving force with incentive, capacity and system change tools, to change one party into many parties in terms of policy content, to encourage multi-party cooperation to strengthen data utilization, and to set long-term goals for policy objectives, so as to promote regional integration in the Yangtze River Delta with data resources. Finally, through the coordination of the three dimensions, we can improve the level of open governance of public data sharing and enhance the open ability of public data sharing in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.


