

knowledge search; cross-border cooperation; evolutionary Game; knowledge base


With the increasingly fierce market competition and the diversity of the consumer’s demands, the way for enterprises to maximize the value creation is no longer to provide monolithic products. In the face of complex external environment, enterprises cooperation can break through industry barriers through cross-border to obtain external resources to enhance innovation vitality, and integrate resources in different fields and industries to meet customer needs. Therefore, cross-border cooperation has become an important strategic choice for enterprises to maintain their core competitiveness. An important way to promote cross-border cooperation is knowledge search. Based on the resource-based view, cross-border knowledge search can promote the knowledge coupling of heterogeneous subjects, which can help enterprises improve their learning structure and promote technological innovation. Based on the multi-organizational cooperation perspective, the government is data and information driven by providing public products, formulating relevant policies, enforcing administrative regulations and other services, and developing data sharing platforms on the one hand. On the other hand, it promotes cross-border cooperation through increased subsidies and tax incentives. Thus, it plays an important role in cross-border synergy. Therefore, in order to promote the development of cross-border cooperation, study the mechanism of cross-border cooperation in depth, so that cross-border cooperation can give full play to its innovative ability, this paper, based on the perspective of combining knowledge search and knowledge base, and taking the three-party limited rationality as a premise, constructs the evolution game model of cross-border cooperation of enterprises in different industries under the condition of complete market behavior. Systematically analyzing the strategic decisions of enterprises in cross-border cooperation under the support of the government, and analyzing the evolution of cross-border cooperation of enterprises under the condition of complete market behavior using the simulation analysis, studies the influencing factors of the strategy decision of each game object, and reaches the following conclusions: The breadth of the enterprise knowledge base is positively correlated with the willingness to engage in cross-border cooperation. The willingness of partner firms to cooperate increases when the breadth of the firm’s knowledge base is high, which will enable the cross-border cooperation to be more smoothly carried out; The depth of corporate cross-border knowledge search is positively correlated with the willingness to cooperate. The higher the depth of cross-border knowledge search by enterprises, the higher the benefits available in cross-border cooperation, and the greater the opportunities for three-party crossborder cooperation; Enterprise cooperation in the formulation of the agreement to punish the strength of cross-border cooperation is positively related to the willingness to collaborate. The higher the penalty strength of the agreement formulated by enterprise cooperation, the higher the willingness of enterprises to carry out cross-border cooperation. The strength of government support has a positive correlation with the willingness of enterprises to engage in crossborder cooperation, but the effect is small, and the willingness of government participation has a negative correlation. By increasing the strength of government support, it helps enterprises to reduce the cost of cooperation and to increase their willingness to engage in cross-border cooperation.


10. 16315 / j. stm. 2024. 03. 009
