

industrial enterprises above designated size; green innovation ability; entropy weight CRITIC-EDAS


Faced with increasingly prominent environmental problems and pressure for green transformation, the green innovation development of manufacturing industry, as the foundation of a powerful country, is one of the most important measures to promote the high-quality development of China’s economy. Zhejiang province’s manufacturing industry is crucial to its economy and the province’s growth. As a demonstration area for China’s high-quality development and construction of common prosperity, and one of the most important parts of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Belt, Zhejiang province’s manufacturing industry is the lifeblood of its economy and the foundation for enriching the people. At the same time, the green development of the manufacturing industry is also the foundation for strengthening the province. The green and high-quality development of Zhejiang’s manufacturing industry is of great significance for building a new engine of China’s development. So, at this stage, how is the green innovation ability of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province? What specific constraints do they face in specific green innovation practices? How can their green innovation ability be improved? In order to clarify these issues, this article takes Zhejiang province as an example, using the entropy weight CRITIC-EDAS evaluation model to comprehensively evaluate the green innovation ability of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province during the period from 2011 to 2019, so as to recognize their current situation and constraints of green innovation ability. Additionally, a predictive analysis is conducted on the green innovation development of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research results show that during from 2011 to 2019, the expenditure on technological transformation, levels of waste gas emissions, generation of solid waste, and the overall utilization rate of solid waste were pivotal factors constraining the enhancement of green innovation capabilities among industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province, among which the expenditure on technological transformation is the primary constraint factor. During the period from 2011 to 2019, the green innovation ability of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province exhibited an upward trend in general. However, due to the pressures related to green transformation and a liquidity crisis, the green innovation ability of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province experienced fluctuations and declines during the period from 2013 to 2017. Since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, while the green innovation development among industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province has been impacted and hindered to some extent by the epidemic, under the combined influence of market conditions, national policies and historical accumulation, it has demonstrated a steady upward trend as a whole. Based on the results of the research, this study proposes strategies and recommendations to enhance the green innovation capabilities of industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhejiang province from aspects such as technological research and development as well as management level, aiming to offer guidance and insights for the green transformation and development of manufacturing industry in Zhejiang province and other regions.


10. 16315 / j. stm. 2024. 03. 001
