

national science and technology planning system; national technology projects; evolution; development strategy


The article conducts a comprehensive and profound summary of the strategic positioning, substantial contributions, management modalities, and distinctive characteristics of the implementation of national science and technology plans during three distinct periods: from the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the initial stage of reform and opening up; from the early stage of reform and opening up to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; and since the 18th National Congress. The organizational and implementation mode of national science and technology plan projects is intricately and inextricably linked to the specific national circumstances and context. In the United States, flexible and innovative models such as ‘DARPA’ and ‘DIUx’ are adopted. These models are renowned for their remarkable agility and adaptability, enabling rapid and effective responses to emerging technological challenges and opportunities. Japan, conversely, implements a well-defined and strictly hierarchical management model. This approach ensures clear lines of authority and accountability within the science and technology planning framework, facilitating efficient decision-making and execution. In contrast, China’s science and technology plan system operates under the ‘new national system’ approach featuring top level design and coordinated implementation. This model leverages the strengths of centralized planning and coordinated efforts to drive large-scale and strategic scientific and technological endeavors. It enables the mobilization of vast resources and the convergence of diverse expertise to achieve common goals. By conducting a detailed and meticulous analysis of the characteristics and organizational management experiences of science and technology plan setups in countries like the United States, Japan, and Germany, the paper puts forward well-informed and forward looking development strategies for China’s science and technology plan system in the new era. It is explicitly pointed out that China’s science and technology plan system should further enhance the strategic layout in basic and forward looking research domains. This might involve not only increasing investment in fundamental sciences such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry but also fostering cross-disciplinary research to promote breakthroughs at the frontiers of knowledge. Furthermore, there is an urgent need to intensify the reform of the organized scientific research paradigm. This could entail placing greater emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and the seamless integration of theoretical and applied research. By doing so, scientific research can better address real-world problems and translate knowledge into practical applications that have a direct impact on people’s lives and economic development. When it comes to improving the resource allocation mechanism, a more precise and comprehensive assessment of market demands and technological trends is indispensable. This would ensure the efficient and targeted allocation of resources, maximizing the impact and value of scientific and technological investments. Moreover, it is crucial to establish a dynamic and responsive mechanism that can adapt to the rapidly changing technological landscape and societal needs. Finally, strengthening the whole-process management of science and technology plan projects guided by innovation contributions is of paramount importance. A comprehensive evaluation system based on innovation achievements and practical applications could be established to closely monitor and effectively guide the progress of projects. This system should incorporate multiple criteria, including technological novelty, economic feasibility, and social impact, ensuring their alignment with national strategic goals and societal needs. Additionally, continuous feedback and improvement mechanisms should be in place to optimize the management process and enhance the overall effectiveness of the science and technology plan system.


